Welcome to the web page of the Brothers All Blacks Hockey Club.
Vice President - Amy Lane 0423 966 122 AmyVP@allblackshockey.com.au |
Secretary - Tahlia McCulla 0408 370 905 Secretary@allblackshockey.com.au |
Treasurer - Rebecca Carnell 0438 433 491 Treasurer@allblackshockey.com.au |
Clubhouse: Bundaberg Hockey Association
1 Thornhill Road, Bundaberg North, QLD, 4670
"Our Youth of Today is our Strength of Tomorrow."
Over the past 50 years, All Blacks has become Bundaberg's largest hockey club and is the home of two local Olympians.
If you would like to become a player, volunteer, committee member, coach or umpire please contact us or come and see us at Hinkler Park, Bundaberg North on Thursday afternoons (3:30pm - 7:30pm), Friday nights (5pm - 9pm) or Saturday all day (7:30am - 6pm)
We welcome both male and female players of all ages and experience level to join our club!
No experience? No worries, Brothers All Blacks Hockey Club have accredited coaches who will help you develop your skill.
If you experience issues with registration, please contact Tahlia McCulla via secretary@allblackshockey.com.au or phone 0408 370 905.